RZ#69 – Winter Olympics; The Ben Interview

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The 2006 Winter Olympics kicked off in Italy today. I share a little bit about what I saw during the live broadcast the CBC provided this afternoon and discuss these olympics in relation to the upcoming 2010 games in Vancouver. And while prepping today’s episode, my nephew came online with iChat. I took the opportunity to perform yet another experiment and record a conversation with him and his mother, Wendy. And by the way, Happy Birthday, Wendy!!! We also cover some listener feedback.

Links and name drops:
Torino 2006 Winter Olympic Games
Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympic Games
– The Winnipeg Sun: “VANOC asks for extra $110 million”
– National Post: “B.C. Games $110M over budget”
– Wikipedia: 2006 Olympics, 2010 Olympics, Angelman Syndrome
Angelman Syndrome Foundation
Choogle On with Uncle Weed

Music artists for this episode:
The Red Thread – ship in the attic
Folk Implosion – kingdom of lies (Lou Barlow)
The Diamond Mines – dad’s old radio
Longwave – wake me when it’s over

Please send an email or audio comment to radiozoom [at] gmail [dot] com. Also, send your mp3’s of music you’d like to see played on my podcast to the same address.

43:56 minutes


© Copyright Creative Commons: Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0), RadioZoom (John Bollwitt)

RZ#68 – Vancouver Podcaster Meet Up; Tech News

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Feeling the coffee on this episode, I share my thoughts about the Vancouver Podcaster Meet Up, roll into a Zoom-in-Tech segment, and go over some emails that have come in from listeners. Lots of congrats coming from the announcement of Rebecca and I getting married in a few weeks. Thanks go out to everyone who has wished us well.

Zoom-in-Tech articles:
– MacNN: “TPS ‘dissappointed’ with Apple’s Intel Ad”
– SpyMac.com: “Pick up the iPhone!”
– TechWeb: “New Radio Choices Explode, Reception Costly”
(More about HD Radio)
– Wired: “Blazing Wi-Fi Zips Toward Reality”
– CNN.com: “Family Guy’s Stewie hosting talk show”

Links and name drops:
Tod Maffin
David Drucker
Robert Sanzalone
Derek K. Miller
Vancouver Weekly Underground Review Podcast
James Sherret
MJ Ankenman
Mike and Sarah
Ted Riecken
Clubside Breakfast Time Podcast
Podsafe Music Network

Music artists for this episode:
Numbskulz – lifestyles
Derek K. Miller – you’re the big sky
Dav Mattucci – the pessimist
The Boy Least Likely To – be gentle

Please send an email or audio comment to radiozoom [at] gmail [dot] com. Also, send your mp3’s of music you’d like to see played on my podcast to the same address.

43:32 minutes


© Copyright Creative Commons: Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0), RadioZoom (John Bollwitt)

RZ#67 – Rebecca in the ‘Studio’; The Humega Announcement; Hockey Talk

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Humega special announcement that is so huge, I had to have Rebecca join me on this podcast. This is the first time I have ever had someone else on this podcast in this home studio here in Vancouver. In fact, I never did anything like this back in Iowa either. A Hockey Talk segment and the podcast meet up that we are going to tonight. If you ask me, she is such a cutie!

This is a repost as Blogger.com spontaneously deleted the original post due to issues on their part. Let’s hope this one is more permanent.

Links and name drops:
miss604.com – Rebecca’s blog
Vancouver Canucks
Vancouver 2010
The Daily Breakfast with Father Roderick
uncleweed.net – Dave Olsen and his many podcasts
Island Podcasting – Ted Riecken
Vancouver Podcaster Meet Up

Music artists for this episode:
Troubled Hubble – everything’s going to be fine
Matthew Good – near fantastica
Nada Surf – Lá Pour Ça
The Cloud Room – hey now now

Please send an email or audio comment to radiozoom [at] gmail [dot] com. Also, send your mp3’s of music you’d like to see played on my podcast to the same address.

44:03 minutes


© Copyright Creative Commons: Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0), RadioZoom (John Bollwitt)

RZ#66 – Vancouver Weather; Lower Mainland Drivers

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Rolling out a little later than what has been normal. Life has picked up a little bit, so I haven’t had time until today to get something out. This episode includes some discussion about the weather in Vancouver, drivers in the lower mainland, and some listener feedback. Just doing my best to give you more insight on what it’s like to be a boy from Iowa, living in the land of Canada.

Links and name drops:
– CTV: Vancouver sees record rainy days in January
– Globeandmail.com: Witness the wetness of January
– CBC British Columbia: Rainy, rainy January sets record
– Wiki: 2006 Mexican Elections, Politics of Mexico, Federal Government of the United Mexican States

Music artists for this episode:
Matthew Good – while we were hunting rabbits
Mates of State – girls singing
3 Blind Mice – emily has compassion fatigue
Longwave – wake me when it’s over

Please send an email or audio comment to radiozoom [at] gmail [dot] com. Also, send your mp3’s of music you’d like to see played on my podcast to the same address.

40:31 minutes


© Copyright Creative Commons: Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0), RadioZoom (John Bollwitt)

RZ#65 – iTunes Frustrations; Corner Gas; Hockey Talk

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Today’s episodes dives a little further into what I am trying to do with this podcast and the frustrations that I am running into as I try to progress. Also, I give some appreciation to one of my favorite television shows, grown right here in Canada, Corner Gas. Finally, some discussion about the Canucks and the television sports outlets in this country. It’s safe to say that we get more hockey here than the states do by leaps and bounds.

Links and name drops:
– Corner Gas Official Website
– Wiki: Corner Gas, Rogers Sportsnet, TSN, The Score, Todd Bertuzzi (RE: The “Steve Moore incident”)
Vancouver Canucks
Rogers Sportsnet
The Score

Music artists for this episode:
The GoStation – another day
Superdrag – shuck & drive
Starch Martins – close
The Life and Times – movies and books

Please send an email or audio comment to radiozoom [at] gmail [dot] com. Also, send your mp3’s of music you’d like to see played on my podcast to the same address.

44:19 minutes


© Copyright Creative Commons: Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0), RadioZoom (John Bollwitt)

RZ#64 – Podcasting Supporting Music; Canada Election Outcome; Voting Soundseeing

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Post Canadian Election Day episode! This episode boasts more than just some info about the election and my thoughts about it. I took the MiniDisc around and captured something of the sounds of the city on election day as well as sounds at one of the polling stations. I also take a moment to highlight some thoughts about podcasting supporting music artists.

Links and name drops:
Blogcritics.org – “Podcasting: The Best Way to Support an Artist
CBC: Canada Votes

Music artists for this episode:
Troubled Hubble – ear, nose, & throat
Comeg – 24
Lou Barlow – monkey begun

Please send an email or audio comment to radiozoom [at] gmail [dot] com. Also, send your mp3’s of music you’d like to see played on my podcast to the same address.

42:19 minutes


© Copyright Creative Commons: Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0), RadioZoom (John Bollwitt)

RZ#63 – Car Ride with Rebecca; Vancouver 2010; Movie Industry; Pattullo Bridge

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Car Ride Edition of the RadioZoom Podcast! This time, Rebecca and I are on our way to meet up with her mom in Surrey, so we take the opportunity to shed some light on some local, Vancouver related tidbits regarding the 2010 Vancouver Olympics, the movie industry, the bridge of death, and other oddities that come up in this short conversation.

Links to related information about the discussed topics:
Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics
Expo ’86
Pattullo Bridge

Please send an email or audio comment to radiozoom [at] gmail [dot] com. Also, send your mp3’s of music you’d like to see played on my podcast to the same address.

25:31 minutes


© Copyright Creative Commons: Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0), RadioZoom (John Bollwitt)

RZ#62 – 2006 Canadian Election Rundown; Figuring Out the Mixer

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The federal elections in Canada are the prime focus in today’s episode. Dave Olsen (podcaster – Canucks Outsider, Choogle On with Uncle Weed, etc.) chimes in with some audio detailing the election taking place on Monday, January 23rd. A newcomer to this country, he has a lot of good insight as to the process and the people involved from his perspective. Also, a brief mention about hockey and some email from listeners. Only three songs today as most of the time is spent talking about the election. Consider it an education rather than political discussion.

Links and name drops:
CBC Election Coverage
Gomery Commission
U.S.-Canada Softwood Lumber Dispute (Wikipedia)
Village of the Damned

Music artists for this episode:
Soft – droppin’
Paula Toledo – break it down
Mike Chappelear – outta love

Please send an email or audio comment to radiozoom [at] gmail [dot] com. Also, send your mp3’s of music you’d like to see played on my podcast to the same address.

44:16 minutes


© Copyright Creative Commons: Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0), RadioZoom (John Bollwitt)

RZ#61 – Feeling Better; Tech News; Hockey Talk

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There are a few topics that we hit today that I wanted to glance over. This is the second episode this week in quick turn around fashion, but I’m getting the handle on this new mixer and feeling a lot better. Hopefully this makes up for the lack of episodes as a result of my sinus infection from last week. I hope to post another episode on Friday, if not by the weekend.

Topics for today include a RadioZoom in Tech segment about some new things from Apple, Hockey Talk about the Canucks and Sidney Crosby, and some listener feedback. I also share a handful of stories in the mix of things.

Links and name drops in this episode:
iPod Updater [2006-01-10]
iPod Radio Remote – FM radio on your iPod plus RDS support
MacBook Pro – Apple’s new laptop computer
Yahoo! Sports: Vancouver Canucks
Sidney Crosby
http://feeds.feedburner.com/electronicamexicana – Feed for Vate’s podcast featuring mexican electronica music.
Vancouver Podcast Meet Up
UncleWeed.net – Dave Olsen and his many podcasts.
Tod Maffin

Music artists for this episode:
Dick Prall – barely moving
Longwave – tell me i’m wrong
The Appleseed Cast – innocent vigilant ordinary
The Cloud Room – the hunger

Please send an email or audio comment to radiozoom [at] gmail [dot] com. Also, send your mp3’s of music you’d like to see played on my podcast to the same address.

44:14 minutes


© Copyright Creative Commons: Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0), RadioZoom (John Bollwitt)

RZ#60 – Sinus Infections; New Intro Music; New Mixer; UBC Museum of Anthropology

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Rebounding from a hellish sinus infection, The RadioZoom Podcast is back. There are a slew of changes in this episode. First off, thanks so much to my brother’s family for the Christmas gift of a mixer to help make my podcast sound much better. I have been able to break out the Shure SM7 from the closet and create quality episodes once again. Also, thanks to Vate for his permission to use some of his music as my new intro theme to my podcast. It was time to change things up a bit.

In today’s episode, I chat a little about being sick, the new toy I have to learn and play with, little adventures in Vancouver, and a slight piece of hockey talk.

Links and name drops:
Vate – New theme music creator
Dicks & Janes Podcast
Podsafe Music Network

Music artists for this episode:
Halloween, Alaska – call it clear
Paula Toledo – how long
The GoStation – c’mon
Ester Drang – come back alive

Please send an email or audio comment to radiozoom [at] gmail [dot] com. Also, send your mp3’s of music you’d like to see played on my podcast to the same address.

44:13 minutes


© Copyright Creative Commons: Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0), RadioZoom (John Bollwitt)