RZ#62 – 2006 Canadian Election Rundown; Figuring Out the Mixer

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The federal elections in Canada are the prime focus in today’s episode. Dave Olsen (podcaster – Canucks Outsider, Choogle On with Uncle Weed, etc.) chimes in with some audio detailing the election taking place on Monday, January 23rd. A newcomer to this country, he has a lot of good insight as to the process and the people involved from his perspective. Also, a brief mention about hockey and some email from listeners. Only three songs today as most of the time is spent talking about the election. Consider it an education rather than political discussion.

Links and name drops:
CBC Election Coverage
Gomery Commission
U.S.-Canada Softwood Lumber Dispute (Wikipedia)
Village of the Damned

Music artists for this episode:
Soft – droppin’
Paula Toledo – break it down
Mike Chappelear – outta love

Please send an email or audio comment to radiozoom [at] gmail [dot] com. Also, send your mp3’s of music you’d like to see played on my podcast to the same address.

44:16 minutes


© Copyright Creative Commons: Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0), RadioZoom (John Bollwitt)
