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I (Rebecca) take the helm of Episode #144 as I capture, edit and publish the audio I recorded with Keira-Anne a few weeks ago during a weekend jaunt to Vancouver Island. We put the call out on our blogs for questions – any questions and were very pleased with the overwhelming response. [Keira-Anne][Miss604]

Photo by: Keira-Anne on Flickr
This is actually part one and we’re uncertain when the raw, uncut “part two” will be released. So for now, enjoy the sounds of a BC Ferry, and two girls who are super excited to hit the powder up on Mt. Washington.
Tunes played with permission from the artists:
- Shiny Toy Guns – Le Disko
- Against Me! – Borne on the FM Waves
© Copyright Creative Commons: Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0), RadioZoom (John Bollwitt)
awesome! and yep Keira, you pronounced my name right 🙂