RZ#130 – Sparta at The Commodore; Interview with Keeley Davis

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Sparta @ The Commodore

Man do we ever love a good rock show. When I heard Sparta was coming back into town I immediately arranged another interview. Not only are we huge fans, but the guys in the band are so talented and down to earth. A couple of weeks later, the band rolled through town and played none other than the Fabulous Commodore Ballroom here in Vancouver. Jim Ward, subject of our last interview, was under the weather but when we went back stage and saw Keeley and were not disappointed. It was great to talk to the latest member of the band, contributor on their new album Threes, hear about his side projects and impressions of our fair city.


© Copyright Creative Commons: Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0), RadioZoom (John Bollwitt)

Bum Rush The Charts

(Cross-posted from my personal blog)

Bum Rush The ChartsI’ll try to break it down as simple as possible, but you can get the long end of the story here. On March 22nd, the goal is to get an independent music artist to the top of the iTunes music chart. To do this, podcasters and enthusiasts alike have picked out who that would be and their particular song for this event. On that day only, the intent is to get everyone, that possibly can, to buy that song from the iTunes Music Store.

The band: Black Lab

The song: “Mine Again”

The purpose of this is to “prove the power of new media more than showing corporate media that not only can we exceed their reach and match their purchasing power, but that we can also do it AND make a positive difference in the world. If we can succeed with this small example, then there’s no telling what can do next.” (As quoted from the website)

The curious thing about Black Lab is that they were on a major label, only to get dropped. They have since moved into the independent realm of creating and promoting their music, adapting podcasting into their efforts. Therein lies a lot of the inspiration and consideration for choosing them for this effort.

If you’re interested in more of the details, then find more of the Bum Rush The Charts website. If you have US$.99 to spare on March 22nd, 2007, then you might be interested in joining the mob.

RZ#128 – Guinness widget; Northern Voice 2007; Vancouver Podcast Meetup; Flickr fun

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I ran around the apartment with my minidisc and microphone to record this one. Rebecca was preparing to head over to the island for the weekend with some of her family(girls only), so I followed her around while spouting off about various topics. I tore into a can of Guinness to find out what those things they put in there look like, we give our review on the Northern Voice conference that occurred last weekend, and give a roundup to the Vancouver Podcast Meetup that Mark Blevis, of the Canadian Podcast Buffet, put together last Sunday. Other hilarities included.

Music links (All tunes from the IODA Promonet)


© Copyright Creative Commons: Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0), RadioZoom (John Bollwitt)

Vancouver Podcast Meetup: Feb. 25, 2007

(Cross-posted from my personal blog)

As a regular listener to the Canadian Podcast Buffet, I was excited to hear that Mark Blevis was coming out to Vancouver on a business trip and wanted to conduct a meetup with fellow podcasters. This will be happening at TC Lions Pub on February 25, 2007 at 8:00 PM, in downtown Vancouver. Mark asks that you RSVP for the event at Upcoming.org.

As I mentioned in my post about NorthernVoice, that is the same day as my first year anniversary, so I doubt I will be able to make it. We’ll probably be pretty sauced by then.

Update: Change of plans. Rebecca and I will be there.

RZ#126 – Six Song Donut Spectacular: February 2007

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Not a whole lot of back story to this one other than the fact that I’m not feeling very well today, but not so much that I can’t put this six song out. It’s cool, rainy, and cloudy in Vancouver, so I went mellow for today’s theme.


© Copyright Creative Commons: Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0), RadioZoom (John Bollwitt)

RZ#125 – Northern Voice; Amazing Hunt; Matthew Good

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Rebecca and I gather in the studio to record this episode before the puck drops on a Canucks game. Of course, if you want to hear more of the hockey talk, check out The Crazy Canucks.

In this episode, we talk about the Northern Voice conference and try to make our case to the organizers of the event as to why we deserve one of the travel bursaries to attend the event. We also talk about Rebecca’s upcoming involvement with the Amazing Hunt in Vancouver. Matthew Good has a new album that he’s recording, and your dear hosts have a few other tidbits to share in that area.

Links to check out:

Music links


© Copyright Creative Commons: Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0), RadioZoom (John Bollwitt)

RZ#124 – Six Song Donut Spectacular: January 2007

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All ska, but not all the time. That’s right. Six tracks of music thought dead, but I beg to differ. I actually put a bit more commentary into this episode. Never knew I could talk that much about ska music, but that’s just the way it is. All tracks come to you via the Podsafe Music Network.

Artist links:

43:08 minutes


© Copyright Creative Commons: Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0), RadioZoom (John Bollwitt)

RZ#123 – Rebecca’s Birthday; Donations; Olympic Village; Vancouver Trivia

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Our first episode back in the studio after quite a while. We’ve been having too much fun with the video podcasts, so it’s about time that we got back into the groove of the strictly audio world. We recorded this just ahead of watching the Canucks play on TV, so you’ll hear the sound of glass bottles clink in the background just a little bit. We’ll leave it up to you to figure out what’s inside of them.

I’m posting this during the second intermission, so I’ll make this brief.

Artist links:

58:43 minutes


© Copyright Creative Commons: Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0), RadioZoom (John Bollwitt)

RZ Video Podcast #10 – Forbidden Stanley Park Trek

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We’ve walked around the Park several times since it was closed several weeks ago [audihertz] after a storm with hurricane-force winds blasted its way through. Understandably shut off to public due to the branches, debris and fallen trees that litter the landscape to such a degree that upon beholding the devastation, a lump forms in your throat. Mother Nature sure did a number on the place. Yesterday local news was reporting that the Park had been re-opened [cbc], mostly because of the loss in tourist revenue. Stanley Park Drive, the perimeter road, was opened up although several trails were still closed off to the public. We decided to walk around one of the barriers blocking our favourite, and most frequently traveled trail. The video documents our finds. This is another video attempt with the Nokia 6682 camera phone, so if you have any comments on the quality (and even the content) please let us know in the comment section. Run time 20:07


© Copyright Creative Commons: Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0), RadioZoom (John Bollwitt)

RZ#122 – Six Song Donut Spectacular: December 2006

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This is getting out a little later than normal, but I’m blaming the holidays on that one. However, the theme for this installment is in regards to a blog post that I made regarding music at Vancouver Canucks games. It’s gathered some attention from people who are actual hockey DJ’s from various parts of the sport. I’m putting my money where my mouth is and explored the Podsafe Music Network this morning to quickly find some potential new blood for venues around North America.

Music links

52:39 minutes


© Copyright Creative Commons: Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0), RadioZoom (John Bollwitt)