Help support RadioZoom

In the last video podcast, we made mention about various ways that you can help support our podcast. Our hope is you understand that we don’t plan to make tons of money with the content we produce with RadioZoom. The simple fact is that all of this is done through our own investments.

With a recent redesign to the website for RadioZoom, I overlooked the donation page. The donate button for the RadioZoom account on PayPal is back and fully functioning.

Anything you would contribute would go towards some of the following things that make RadioZoom available:

  • Bandwidth
  • Web server storage
  • Recording equipment
  • Audio editing software

This podcast has been going since 2004, and we plan to keep going into 2007 for sure. Even if everyone who downloaded an episode donated $5, that investment would help us out immensely. Of course, there are much more pressing things in the world to donate your money to, but if you take some entertainment from the antics we bring you, then this is the perfect way to show your appreciation.

You can go here to donate.

Thank you! 🙂

RZ to interview Sparta at their Vancouver appearance

Sparta (credit: Johnny Buzzerio)Sparta has confirmed with us to do an interview during their one night appearance at Richards on Richards in Vancouver, B.C. We’ll be taking the recording gear with us to meet the guys before they take the stage this weekend. Checking their MySpace page, the show appears to be sold out, but count on us being there.

It should be an exciting night, and we are looking forward to meeting the guys for a relaxed discussion about the band, the tour, and whatever the hell we want to talk about otherwise. Look for this episode to be published by early next week.

Be sure to thank Rebecca, the resident RadioZoom PR babe, for getting this hooked up.

Changes to the RZ website

I’ve been doing a lot of tweaking to the RadioZoom website lately. Those who surf in to check out the latest from the podcast might notice that, from time to time, the site was completely screwed up. It’s ok. I have everything under control… for the most part.

I’m not sure how useful this feature will be, but I am attempting to do more blogging on this site in addition to the published of audio and video content. This will be an effort to keep you informed about changes, ideas, and other tidbits regarding RadioZoom in the future.

Most importantly, this is a test of the newest area that I have created on the website, the RZ Blog. You can always add the same feed that you use to listen to my podcasts into your RSS reader of choice so that you get all of this information on a regular basis. Think of it as a great way to also keep tabs on when the next podcast is released.

I know it’s been over a week since the last podcast, but I’ve been hard at work with programming the site. It’s like my eyes have been opened up to the powers of PHP and WordPress, so I’m experimenting with making this more than a website for serving up podcasts and looking like a blog. Look for something yet this week, probably before this weekend.

A New Look to the Website

As some of you might have noticed, I have redesigned the site for RadioZoom.  Yes, once again.

I felt that it was time for a change, especially after the insitution of the new logo.  At the same time, I did my best to come up with something that makes the site different from your standard blog(WordPress) website.  I think things are more effective at promoting this site as a podcast.

The hope is to still have some sort of ability to post updates about the website through text form.  You’ll have to surf your way into this area of the site to get it, but rest assured that I’ll mirror any updates on the podcast.

If there are any problems with the site, please let me know!

Subtle feed adjustments

I recently discontinued two feeds to RadioZoom. Up until a couple days ago, there were three feeds. If you are coming to the website after getting the last download to ever be sent down those feeds, then the message, that those are now dead, worked.

The feed for the podcast is:

I realize that this has the potential for hurting the number of listeners and subscribers to the podcast, but having three feeds was too much work. In fact, the two that are now discontinued were the original feeds that started with the first days of the podcast. In an effort to stream line my podcasting efforts, I’m taking the podcast down to one feed. Continue reading “Subtle feed adjustments”

Upgrading to PodPress 4.4

If you are wondering where some of the previous episodes have gone to, then sit tight. I am in the process of getting everything back to normal after upgrading the PodPress plugin to the site. I hope to get all the older episodes added back in over the next few days.

My apologies, and please check back soon.


Edit: (7:52AM PT, April 5, 2006)  I made an error in the upgrade process with the RSS through PodPress, causing my feed to not work or be seen.  This situation should be resolved.  If you are still having problems, please let me know. 

Site Redesign

As of last night, The RadioZoom Podcast has a new look and feel to it. I worked hard to understand how this new design will work in all aspects of the podcast. As you can see, there are some additions to the ways you can listen to my podcasts.

Feel free to download them as you usually would, or surf into the site and listen to them straight off the pages themselves. You don’t have to take up space on your hard drive, iPod, mp3 player, or anything else like that. Listen where ever and however you want to. At work, in the computer lab, or the internet cafe of your choice.

As with all changes, I’ll be working out the kinks as they come up. Please feel free to contact me if you have any problems. I’ll do my best to get them sorted out as soon as I can. I am in the process of getting all the old podcasts and show notes added back into this new setup. As some of you also know, I’m getting married soon, so please give me some time to get it all sorted out.