RZ#127 – Amazing Hunt; Northern Voice; Vancouver Trivia; Olympics

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There’s really a lot that we talked about in this episode, so much that we only threw three songs into this one. Rebecca gives a review of her Amazing Hunt experience, we cover a variety of things coming up, look ahead to NorthernVoice 2007, there’s a podcast meetup in Vancouver, and we round it out with Vancouver Trivia. There were a variety of technical issues in this as well, but I didn’t edit it out.

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2 Replies to “RZ#127 – Amazing Hunt; Northern Voice; Vancouver Trivia; Olympics”

  1. Hi Rebecca and John,

    Thank you for doing another podcast about The Amazing Hunt. I was looking for this episode long ago but never managed to find it until today… pretty interesting! BTW, can I do the same thing like last time where I take a part of the segment and do some editing and put it on the website?

    I am still trying to figure out the screening date and hopefully I can get it done by this week and announce next week.

    Lastly, just want to make a correction that The Amazing Hunt website is a .COM site not .CA… I guess a lot of people can’t access the link on your podcast page.

    Maybe next time, you can talk about The Amazing Hunt once again on your podcast about your viewing experience of the race footage. 🙂 I will e-mail you soon!


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