RZ#109 – Matthew Good: Last night in Vancouver and a private performance

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Matthew Good's home performance (Photo credit: Dan Lilly[

Matthew Good invited us into his home for a private concert on the last night that he would be a resident of Vancouver. Rebecca was fortunate enough to not only get an invite, but Good asked her to live blog the event for the world. Only 20 fans were invited, some from the local area while others grabbed a flight to be there with barely 24 hours notice. This episode is our attempt to share more of that experience. If you are a fan or a listener of this podcast, I hope you understand why we did this episode and maybe learn a little more about Matthew Good.

All music featured in this episode by Matthew Good

  • while we were hunting rabbits
  • near fantastica (acoustic)
  • fated
  • prime time deliverance
  • strange days

68:08 minutes


© Copyright Creative Commons: Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0), RadioZoom (John Bollwitt)


12 Replies to “RZ#109 – Matthew Good: Last night in Vancouver and a private performance”

  1. This was fantastic guys. You did such a wonderful job for those who weren’t fortunate enough to be part of it all…you made us feel like we were! I see why he picked you two….thanks so much for sharing (bet the dogs were a show in themselves!).

    (My son’s girlfriend is from Surrey…she’s a sweetheart too. We’re born & raised Richmondites – 44 years and counting for me)

  2. For some reason, I’m only getting 52 seconds of t his, whether I download it or try to listen to it through the popup. Am I doing something wrong??

  3. Krista and anyone else having problems,

    Just want to let you know that I am working on the problem and hope to resolve it soon. Will post back here when I think I have it. Please keep me updated.

    radiozoom [at] gmail [dot] com


    Update: This could be a problem related with my ISP. I did some things that did not completely fix the problem. If you are still having problems, please try again tomorrow. Feel free to let me know if the problems are persisting.

  4. It’s really great that people liked the podcast, and people are still checking it out. So if you’re here long after this is posted, feel free to leave your comments anyway!

    As of right now, this is on its way to be my most listened to episode in the history of my podcast. Thanks to everyone for checking it out!

  5. i’m glad i found this to listen to, it was really nicely done.
    it’s 2008, but it was as refreshing as if were from yesterday!

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