Changes to the RZ website

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I’ve been doing a lot of tweaking to the RadioZoom website lately. Those who surf in to check out the latest from the podcast might notice that, from time to time, the site was completely screwed up. It’s ok. I have everything under control… for the most part.

I’m not sure how useful this feature will be, but I am attempting to do more blogging on this site in addition to the published of audio and video content. This will be an effort to keep you informed about changes, ideas, and other tidbits regarding RadioZoom in the future.

Most importantly, this is a test of the newest area that I have created on the website, the RZ Blog. You can always add the same feed that you use to listen to my podcasts into your RSS reader of choice so that you get all of this information on a regular basis. Think of it as a great way to also keep tabs on when the next podcast is released.

I know it’s been over a week since the last podcast, but I’ve been hard at work with programming the site. It’s like my eyes have been opened up to the powers of PHP and WordPress, so I’m experimenting with making this more than a website for serving up podcasts and looking like a blog. Look for something yet this week, probably before this weekend.
